The Sacrament of Marriage
January 1, 1970
As you plan your wedding, remember this is the most sacred moment of your life. When stress strikes at your nerves and worries cloud your mind, remember you are planning for the day when you will pledge your love and commitment to the one you adore.This is a moment in time to be cherished ... so prepare for it by holding the vision of your special day in your heart and mind. Don't let it get lost in the planning process ... and if it does, reclaim it quickly.
Here's an inspiring quote on “The Symbolic Meaning of Marriage”:
“Most beloved of the sacraments is the one of marriage. It symbolizes the fulfillment of earth’s sweetest dream... Almost any sensitive person can testify to the emergence of power that is broadcast during a marriage ceremony. This force is created by the beauty and intent of the rite itself. The spiritual fusion of two individualities into a duad of love generates an energy and luminosity that reaches even the most impersonal onlooker.”
-- Rev. Flower Newhouse,
from "The Meaning and Value of Sacraments"
Many Blessings, Rev. Laurie Sue
A Divine Guide to Transforming
Wedding Stress into Wedding Bliss"
(Perigee Books, May 2005)